Thursday, November 7, 2013

When the forest is quiet...

We live in the backyard of a beautiful National Park in Quebec and that means that going there on the weekends or anytime during the high season means hiking trails that feel like highways... 

This specific park is especially known for his Flambée des couleurs (a festival that celebrates its beautiful colors during fall). Now that all the leaves are on the ground and that the days have grown cold and wet, the trails are all ours to explore!
There was ice on the puddles along the trail and beautiful frozen branches over the little river...
And the best thing is that the little wooden shelter that we love is almost always empty at this time of year. The kids each claimed a bed and loudly played while we chatted by the stove and served lunch.

It was so quiet in the forest, that we almost felt like we were intruding on those two young deer meal.

:: On the way back, a little someone was very proud to be the train leader... ::

And each time I set foot in the forest, I am reminded that this is where I belong, where I heal, where I breathe more deeply. Its quietness helps me connect with my inner wisdom, my peace.


Sarah-Our Island Home said...

So beautiful! Lucky you to have such a place in your backyard!

Joanna said...

quelles belles photos et quel beau moment.
ta dernière phrase concernant la forêt est si vraie pr moi aussi.
c est pr ca que j ai décidé d aller prendre une marche d environ une heure au moins 3 fois par semaine en forêt.
ca change ma vie!
g finalement fini mon Vision board, un truc qui m'a fait tripper de faire. il est magnifique! j ai hâte de te le montrer!

Anonymous said...

Bonjour Catherine,

J'espère que tout se passe bien depuis votre retour.:O)
Pour quelle raison n'écrivez-vous plus en français?
Je vous embrasse,
Nathalie de Suisse

Catherine said...

Bonjour Nathalie! J'explique mes raisons ici :

Je suis désolée des désagréments que cela cause pour certains lecteurs, mais je n'en pouvais plus de tout traduire...

Anonymous said...

Bonjour Catherine,
Je me suis doutée que c'était cela mais je ne trouvais pas où vous l'aviez expliqué.
Je vais essayer de vous lire en anglais.
Plein de bisous à vous et toute la famille