Thursday, December 5, 2013


She turned 92 last week. 

As I talked with her, I realized even more how bittersweet it is to age. She never intended to live that long. She wanted to go fast and much earlier. She is not hoping for many more years. Apart from arthritis, she is quite healthy and she definitely has all her head. She still beats my mom at Scrabble weekly! But she is waiting. Filling time. Couting the years that keep on coming...

For a 35 year old, it feels terribly sad. But I know that for her, it's not.

My dad shared images and stories from his last trip. He described the streets of Lisbon and the houses on the coasts of Porto and we could almost see them. She listened, soaking in the goodness of having us all there with her at the table. The people she loves. Her only family left.


Arte Miss said...

Un très bon anniversaire à cette jolie dame de 92 ans. Cela fait un bien fou de voir un exemple comme le sien

Francesca said...

i just spent a weekend with my parents, in their 80s, life is difficult at that age, but they still give so much, and they're blessed to still have each other.
happy birthday to your grandmother!

Catherine said...

Yes, Francesca, they give so much! And yes, they truly are blessed to have each other...

Merci, Arte Miss!

Anonymous said...

Que je suis contente de revoir des photos de ta grand mère. Elle était si présente à un moment sur ton blog. 92 ans, je connais ma grand mère va avoir 94 ans, elle aussi trouve la vie longue, elle s'ennuie et souhaite de tout coeur mourir bientôt.

Profite d'elle et de ce qu'elle se souvient de l'ancien temps....

isabelle said...

c'était isabelle

Catherine said...

Oui, Isabelle, ça a l'air quelque chose d'avoir cet âge, d'attendre, de s'ennuyer... Et oui, c'est tellement intéressant de l'entendre raconter ses Noël en carriole dans les bois... Comme dans la petite maison dans la prairie!