Friday, July 22, 2011

On a very warm summer night...

... instead of trying to put to bed 3 little girls in a overheated room, we put the canoe on the car, drove 5 minutes (yes, 5 minutes!! It feels like the Yukon!) and went paddling! It was windy and perfect! Just what we needed!

... au lieu d'essayer de coucher 3 petites filles dans une chambres bien trop chaude, nous avons mis le canot sur l'auto, conduit 5 minutes (oui, 5 minutes!! On se croirait au Yukon!) et nous sommes allés pagayer! C'était venteux et juste parfait! Exactement ce dont nous avions besoin!

Mara jumped off for a swim, my little mermaid...

Mara a sauté du canot pour aller nager, ma petite sirène...

We all had a big smile the whole time!

Nous avions tous le sourire fendu jusqu'aux oreilles!

And the girls went for a swim after a beautiful sunset. It was almost dark when they got out. Do you remember swimming in a lake at night when you were little? I sure do! And it was in that exact same lake, with the exact same smell, and the exact same smile. And that makes me totally giddy!

Et les filles se sont baignées après le magnifique coucher de soleil. Il faisait presque noir quand elles sont sorties. Vous souvenez-vous des baignades de soirées d'été quand vous étiez enfants? Moi, je m'en souviens. C'était dans ce même lac, avec la même odeur et j'avais le même sourire. Et ça, ça me rend totalement euphorique!


Sarah said...

What a lovely night swim, and big smiles all around! Jack and Lu swim 5 days a week in the lake I grew up swimming in, and I love this, too.

Fawn said...

This makes me so happy, I love this!!! You're all so beautiful.

Francesca said...

yes, I remember swimming in the sea at night, and how exciting and scary it was at the same time to dip in the vast black water!
congrats on all your new projects - for the raw food recipes, why don't you get in touch with Renee of FIMBY ?

Catherine said...

Thanks, friends!
Francesca, I'll look her up, I don't know her. Thanks!

Evelyne said...

Des vacances merveilleuses.
Merci de partager.

Potato said...

Oh, this looks so beautiful! The lakes are so cold here this year, but we are hoping for enough heat to do a little lake swimming- and having a canoe is something we are hoping for in the future!