Sunday, February 7, 2016

Geology/Mineralogy - Week 1

Since one of the biggest Gem Show is happening right now in Tucson, I moved this block ahead a bit, so we could take advantage of this great event to deepen our learning.

Here are the resources I used for this block (I also found most of the drawing ideas on Pinterest):


Monday: We read Chap. 1 and 2 in Kovacs' book and drew a cover for the Main Lesson Book (MLB). I got the box of rocks out and we spent quite a bit of time looking at them and reading about them.

Tuesday: We read Chap. 3 in Kovacs' book and more in our French rock book about granite. We talked about the elements that form granite and found them in our rock box. The girls wrote and draw this in their MLB.

Wednesday: We read Chap. 4-5 in Kovacs' book about volcanoes and volcanic rocks. The girls wrote and draw this in their MLB.

Thursday: We read Chap. 6 to 8 in Kovacs' book. The girls wrote and draw this in their MLB.

Friday: We read Chap. 9 in Kovacs' book. The girls wrote and draw this in their MLB.


Anonymous said...

Nous sommes aussi en plein bloc sur les roches et minéraux. Nous utilisons le lapbook de chez carpe diem en adaptant à l'espagnol. Ça me fait bien plaisir de vous relire!

Catherine said...

Génial! Merci de partager cette ressource en français!