Monday, March 31, 2014

And again...

When my mom called to sing me Happy birthday, she said that the morning I was born, the weather was exactly like that, unseasonably wintry. The girls had put their best dresses and the breakfast table was covered with colorful drawings and love letters. He handed me a green juice, surprised me with one of my dream lens and spent the day cooking a vegan feast for me. Love all around.


  1. C'est quand ta fête? Moi c'est le 30...Je me demandais si on avait la même date de fête...Grosse bise, Lisa

  2. can't wait to see your dream lens in action (is this image taken with it?). now i have a dream too, too bad my birthday is months away! why don't you post about your photography equipment? i'd love to know about your lens, and how you use them (i know, i know, it's the person, not the lens - still, the right lens at the right time helps!)

  3. Lisa Fatimah, oui, c'est le 30!!

    Francesca, yes this is the first image I took with it! I love it, but the learning curve is quite steep! I guess I should create a page with a description of my photo material.

  4. Oui tant d amour!!!! Y a plusieurs couples autour de ns qui sonr en divorce... ca fait du bien de lire ton post ou on ressent bien tte la tendresse et l amour de votre famille!
    Restez unis!!!!
