Monday, March 10, 2014

Winter encourages minimalism

A great quote from a great book I just finished that reminds me a lot of our Yukon winters.

« Shovels, gloves, toys, and buckets. Boats, bicycles, cars, and sheds. Roads and houses. All buried. The world is wiped clean with every snowfall – smoot, perfect, inaccessible. The bustling busyness of gardens and berries and construction projects fades into a distant-seeming memory as one by one, each time-sucking project disappears beneath the white. The only cars visible are the ones that work well enough to be driven every day. The only doors that open are the ones repeatedly shoveled. The only paths walkable are the ones repeatedly stomped.

Everything else? You’ll see it in May. Or maybe June. You probably didn’t need it anyway.

Winter encourages minimalism. » - Erin McKittrick, Small Feet, Big Land (Adventure, Home, and Family on the Edge of Alaska)
:: Lili, my friend's daughter, building a fairy garden on top of a rock ::


  1. I would love to experience this type of winter! I'm a bit jealous! Hibernating sounds good!

  2. what a beautiful quote! the quotes from what you read always speak to me, why don't you write a post about your favorite books?

  3. oh, i just followed your link, and it's a video :( (can't watch them on my slow internet)

  4. Good idea, Francesca... but for now, most of my books are in boxes!!
