Monday, June 2, 2014

TV Production

We were interviewed today by our friend Simon who is a TV Producer. He is working on two different projects that we will be part of, one for the National Film Board (NFB/ONF) and the other one for TV5 (in France) on people living in their vehicules and living with passion. He will follow us for 4 days this summer when we will be in the Yukon. It's quite exciting to be part of something like that!


  1. Très cooooool. Est ce qu on pourra voir son film apres?

  2. Bien sûr, c'est pour l'ONF et un autre pour TV5, alors ce sera diffusé at large!

  3. Hi Catherine,

    Make sure you give us plenty of warning as I don't watch TV much, but i would love to hear your voices having read so much about you and your family!

    fr France on her way to increasing raw food in her diet...

  4. Oui, bien sûr qu'on pourra voir le film/la production télé. Je vous tiendrai au courant, mais ce n'est pas pour tout de suite!
