All the ressources I am using for this block are listed
here, under Roman History. It will be a five week block lesson.
Day 1 - I retold the story of the Trojan war to the girls (since last year history study finished with the Trojan war and Alexander the Great) and then told them a brief version of the Aeneid. You could use the book
In Search of a Homeland or like me, create a resume from
The Aeneid for Boys and Girls that you can access for free here.
I then read Chapter 3 from
Charles Kovacs' Ancient Rome book and the girls wrote about it in their Main Lesson Book (MLB):
Day 2 - I told the girls the Story of Remus and Romulus (Kovacs, Chap. 4) and they wrote and draw this in their MLB:
Day 3 - I read Chap. 5 in Kovacs book and the girls draw the Seven hills of Rome in their MLB and wrote a resume about it:

Day 4 - I recitated the poem O Roma (in lating) to the girls, translated it for them so they could understand it (I'm sure glad I did 4 latin classes in College! Reading this poem reminded me so much of going to mass when I lived in Italy...). Then, they copied it on their MLB and we practice memorizing it together (we will work on this for the next week until they can recitate it easily).
Day 5 - The girls did a beautiful cover page for their MLB
Math : We continued the Key to Decimals Workbook 2.
C'est beau de voir toute l'application qu'elles mettent dans leurs cahiers!
Oui, c'est vrai! Elles y mettent beaucoup de temps. Elles sont très fières de leurs cahiers.
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