The lighthouse looked like a huge barber pole in the rain, waiting for clients to show up.
We went to the Wright Brothers National Monument. They ran the distance of the first controlled flight in Kill Devil Hills, on the actual runway where it happened. Seeing how Orville and Wilbur made their plane with an old sewing machine and wood pieces was an incredible lesson. The fact that they took turn lying on their bellies to fly it also made quite an impression on them. A story they will remember very differently than if they had read it from a book...
Searching the shores for polished shell pieces. Searching our souls for the next steps, the next stepping stones. They are finding us, just like the treasure on the wild coast of the outer banks...

Wow! Vous etes a Cape Hatteras! Ca semble que vous avez l'endroit a vous. C'est ca que je trouvais merveilleux, c'est encore sauvage! Les petits crabes bondissent quand tu creuse n'importe ou. Ca nous faisons sursauter.
Oh! Que j'aimerais etre ou vous etes!
Bonne randonnee!! xxx
Oui, Stephanie, c'est tellement beau! Et il n'y avait presque personne effectivement! On a vraiment adoré ce coin de pays! J'adore cet mer sauvage et ses dunes!
You mentioned in a past post something that I've noticed with homeschooling, too--how so often we have the most magical, amazing places all to ourselves since most everyone else is at work or school! Seems like this may have been a day like that for you all.
I wish you to find all your answers when you are searching your souls for the next steps.
whatever the direction it will take, i will be so happy to follow your adventures, be they close or far, and i truly hope i will have the opportunity to walk the paths with you guys for a couple of days or weeks eventually.
take care!
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