Yes, I know. You have been wanting to start sprouting for awhile, but you just cannot find the time to start another project or to add something more on your kitchen counter. Well, it's about time. I will hold your hand and you will start sprouting!
We love sprouts! We eat them all the time! They are so good for you and so easy to make! After reading my instructions, you won't have anymore excuse to not make your owns!
Take large mason jars, put about 1/8 of a cup of seeds in it (alfalfa, red clover, fenugreek, radish, etc.) or 1/4 cup of peas or lentils and add water to fill about half the jar (more for chickpeas). Put a plastic screen on top and tie with an elastic. Soak all day or all night.
Throw the water and put the jar upside down (like in an IKEA wooden rack at 45 degree or a dish rack. The important thing is that the sprouts should not cover the whole surface of the screen, so there is some air circulation happening (if not, it will mold). They should not be in direct sunlight either (and mung beans should be kept in the dark). Rinse twice a day for 3-4 days (depending on the weather).
Eat or refridgerate. For the alfalfa and the red clover, if the jar becomes more than 3/4 full with sprouts, split in two jars. When it is green, it's ready. Throw the sprouts in a big bowl of water and with a sieve remove the floating outer layer of the seeds (it makes for crunchy salads if you don't). Pour the rest through a colander and put some paper towel at the bottom of the tupperware (or else) you will keep them in so they last longer. Chickpeas need to be rinsed a lot if not they start to stink. They also need to be cooked to be digestible (I simply sauté them in olive oil 10 min and add some celtic salt, makes for a great snack, you can also make sprouted hummus with chickpeas and lentils), same for lentils and peas (according to NT, but I sometimes eat them raw). We also love sunflower seeds (hulled and soaked 8 hours, sprouted maximum 12 to 24 hours, if more they get bitter, you can simply soak them without sprouting too). One of our favorite way to have them is with red clover sprouts (Sally Fallon says that alfalfa is better avoided since it can cause inflammation problems...), with a drizzle of olive oil and toasted sesame oil and some miso on the side (take a tiny bit of miso with each bite). We actually often have that to start our breakfast (before eggs usually or for a quick lunch with some salmon and homemade mayo on crackers). The girls absolutely love that!
For more great sprout recipes, check this great site:
To order, I highly recommend to do so directly from Mumm's. They have really good prices and their service is great!
If you like to grow shoots (like mung beans for Pad thaï, sunflower shoots or wheat grass), get one of those. We love ours!
I'm so glad you posted this. I've been wanting to do this for YEARS and just haven't.
Me too! Also for years! In fact it was one of my new year resolutions, along with getting a mill for our own flour. So far, a packet of mixed seeds has been purchased, but not sprouted yet..... So, after seeing you post about it too, it looks like this really needs to happen now. I can't understand why it's so difficult to get started with this.
I love your blog by the way. You write about so many things that are very close to my own heart. And those three little girls are extremely sweet. I have 2 girls myself, also a Mathilde aged 6 and Claire aged 3. We are also a Waldorf family, living in Germany at the moment (I'm Irish though).
I'm looking forward to checking in here regularly.
Hi Iris! I am glad that you like my blog. Thanks for writing a comment. It's so great to connect with other moms that are on a similar path!
Lucky you to live in Germany, it's the Waldorf paradise! I look forward to read your comments on my blog!
Let me know how the sprouting goes! And you too Sarah! Don't hesitate if you have questions!
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