Soins aux personnes âgées 301
Knot tying 401
Noeuds 401
Hockey 101
Counting 201
Apprentissage des nombres 201
Learning to lose 101
Apprendre à perdre 101
I have been wanting to try a raw granola recipe for over a year. I wanted to try to come up with something similar to what Crudessence sells. I didn't want to use maple syrup or agave (because of my sugar free diet), so I simply used dates and raisins and it is DIVINE!
Ça fait plus d'un an que je veux essayer de faire une recette de granola crus. Je voulais essayer de concocter quelque chose de semble au melange que vend Crudessence. Je ne voulais pas utiliser de sirop d'érable ou de sirop d'agave (à cause mon régime sans sucre), donc j'ai seulement utiliser des dates et des raisins secs, et c'est DIVIN!
Here's the recipe:
1 1/2 cup of sprouted buckwheat groat (soak 12 hours and dehydrate 12 hours, you could probably try without dehydrating them first...)
1 cup of soaked sunflower seeds (I did not dehydrate them so they stick to the mixture)
1 cup of sliced almonds
3/4 cup shredded coconut
2 grated apples
2 large grated carrots
1/2 cup finely cup dates
1/2 cup raisins
1/3 cup melted coconut oil
1 teaspoon vanilla extract
a pinch of cinnamon
a pinch of sea salt
Puree the dates, soaked raisins, coconut oil and vanilla (with a bit of water) and add to the other ingredients. Mix well with hands. Spread on Teflex sheet and put in the dehydrator at 115 F for 10 hours.
Granola crus
1 1/2 tasse de sarrasin écossé (trempé 12 heures et déshydraté 12 heures, vous pouvez sans doute essayer sans le déshydrater)
1 tasse de graines de tournesol germées (je ne les ai pas déshydratées de façon à ce qu'elles collent au mélange)
1 tasse d'amandes tranchées
3/4 de tasse de noix de coco
2 pommes râpées
2 grosses carottes râpées
1/2 tasse de dattes coupées finement
1/2 tasse de raisins secs
1/3 tasse d'huile de coco fondue
1 c. à thé de vanille
une pincée de cannelle
une pincée de sel de mer
Faire une crème au mélangeur avec les dattes, raisins secs trempés, l'huile de coco et la vanille (et un peu d'eau). Ajouter au reste des ingrédient et bien mélanger avec les mains. Les étendre sur des feuilles en Teflex et mettre au déshydrateur à 115 F pendant environ 10 heures.
Hi Catherine,
do you find that you use a dehydrator often? I'm reluctant to buy more appliances, but I would if they are really useful.
Cheers, :)
Learning to lose is a tough but important lesson. My first born always had problems with it. I don't have a dehydrator, though I'd to one day buy one to use it for tomatoes, but your granola recipe sounds very good, I especially like the addition of carrots in it!
Learning at home certainly is a gift I am so thankful for every day! Your recipes are incredible, this one sounds divine and I have your cookie recipe in the cue as well! : )
I love my dehydrator. I used a regular (round) one from the hardware store for a while, but just recently I treated myself to an Excalibur. To make raw milk yogurt successfully, that's the only option I find!
mmmm, the picture of grandma getting help from the babes melts me. this whole post feels so good to me for some reason. it's funny that you are all tied up in knots and look so happy! and of course, you've got me interested in a dehydrator now. i know nothing about them.
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