Saturday, June 25, 2011

When it rains in Maine...

I could show you only those first four photo montages and tell you that we had a wonderful time. But the truth is, those photos were taken in the first 24 hours we were there...

Je pourrais vous montrer seulement ces quatre montages photos et vous dire que nous avons passé de merveilleuses vacances, mais la vérité c'est que ces photos ont été prises dans les 24 premières heures après notre arrivée...

And for the rest of the trip, the weather was like this :

Et pendant le reste du voyage, la météo était comme ça :

And unless your idea of a fun holiday is to camp in the rain (without rain boots and warm clothes), eat ice cream, fried clams or deep fried oreo (yes, we saw that advertised just beside a store that sold 5XL and 6XL size t-shirts!), to go to nice café in Ogunquit with overexcited children, go to the Kittery outlets with kids that want to buy every single thing they see or drive around closed children's kindom with merry-go-rounds, mini-putt and zoo with disapointed children... well, you better go back home (with screaming and disapointed children)... and that's just what we did!

Et à moins que votre idée de vacances agréables soit de camper sous la pluie (sans bottes de pluie ni vêtements assez chauds), de manger de la crème glacée, des palourdes frites ou des biscuits Oreo frits (oui, nous en avons vu annoncés, juste à côté d'une boutique qui vendait des chandails de taille 5XL et 6XL!), aller dans de jolis petits cafés à Ogunquit avec des enfants surexcités, aller aux outlets de Kittery avec des enfants qui veulent acheter tout ce qu'ils voient ou passer à côté des manèges, des mini-golf et des zoo FERMÉS avec des enfants déçus... et bien, il est peut-être préférable de retourner à la maison (avec des enfants déçus et en larmes)... et c'est justement ce que nous avons fait!

Et un grand merci à mes lecteurs qui sont allés encourager Carmen à sa ferme Les jardi-fruits d'antan! Vous contribuez au succès de cette petite ferme qui va de mieux en mieux. Voyez vous-mêmes!


Potato said...

Oh dear. I am sorry to hear that the end of your trip was less than ideal. Glad the first 24 hours were beautiful!

Joanna said...

c est plate le temps "belge"... c'est une des raisons pr lequelles je suis si heureuse de ne plus vivre ds un pays ou il pleut tt le tps!
ça scrappe tout!
ben je m'en viens ds les cantons de l'est et on se voit bientôt! :o)

Francesca said...

bad weather is never too nice when on a trip ... at least you had one good day!

La Marmotine said...

Oh quel dommage... vous deviez être fort déçus...
J'espère que ça sera mieux pour le prochain voyage...

Anonymous said...

You guys are so awesome for even trying! Funny, Craig's back into slacklining all of the sudden too. I know, next time you guys want a relaxing holiday come out this way and help us Craig put up an electric fence to keep Crazy Daisy out of the garden :)

fiveofus said...

Hi Catherine,

Sorry to hear about your vacation, what a bummer! It's a shame I didn't talk to you beforehand, I would have mentionned waterproof rain jackets and layered clothing. We love Maine, but it's weather is very unpredictable. We went down twice this month, both times to Bar Harbor and Acadia National park. I wrote my first article on it on Come check it out!
Don't stamp out Maine too quickly, we are totally in love with it, you just need to win her over :).
I've been thinking about you alot, I hope your move went fine.
Steph xxx

Unknown said...

Too funny, we had all this cold weather and rushed to Colorado.. it was fun but we were totally unprepared for it and had no warm clothes.. the children wanted to be in the snow all the time so we were changing about 5 times a day. It was fun but could never live in that cold. The tropics are calling me. Your home looks wonderful and the girls look happy out.

Catherine said...

Hi friends, yeah, it was kind of a bummer, but it was still away from home and boxes! Kathy, sure! Working on a farm is my idea of a holiday, especially with you!!

Oh, Jeanene, I hear you!

Oui, Joanna, le temps belge, c'est moche!

Steph, I love Maine too and we are planning to go back at the end of August. I don't know where my mind was for not bringing rain boots and warm clothes... I guess it was my way of being positive about good weather... We have to talk soon! I will read your new post tomorrow!!