Fernande et son veau mangent de la bonne herbe (leur première sortie).
Ragoût is quite intrigued by the piglets.
Ragoût est pas mal intrigué par les cochonnets.
And the piglets would love a sip!
Et les cochonnets aimeraient bien avoir une gorgée!
Last garlic planting
Dernière plantation d'ail
Our first rabbit litter! Did you know that they have no hair at birth and that their eyes stay shut for 10 days?
Notre première portée de lapins! Saviez-vous qu'ils n'ont pas un poil à la naissance et que leurs yeux demeurent fermés pendant 10 jours?
Toulouse, the goose, is here! The hens and Jules, the rooster, were quite afraid of her!
Toulouse, l'oie, est arrivée! Les poules et Jules, le coq, ont eu peur d'elle!
And our 10 other sheep arrived!
Et nos 10 autres brebis sont arrivées!
My favorite baker has made 3 loaves of his delicious sourdough kamut bread.
Mon boulanger préféré a fait 3 miches de son délicieux pain au levain au kamut.
Black bean soup and corn scones for dinner.
Soupe aux haricots noirs et scones à la semoule de maïs pour souper.
Recipe: Black bean soup
10 sun-dried tomatoes + 1 cup of boiling water
1/2 c. chopped onion
3 garlic cloves
1/2 jalapeno pepper, minced, or 1/4 tsp Cayenne
1 tbsp butter
1/2 c. chicken or vegetable broth
1 tsp cumin
1 can 28 oz (3 cups) of undrained canned tomatoes
4 cups black beans (soaked and cooked, or 2-16 oz cans)
2 tsp of salt
1/4 cup chopped fresh cilantro
Yogurt or sour cream
Cover sundried tomatoes with boiling water. Sauté onion, garlic and chile in butter for 5 min. Add cumin, water from sun-dried tomatoes and juice from canned tomatoes. Chop tomatoes and add them. Bring to a boil and simmer for 5 min. Add black beans and their liquid. Chop sun-dried tomatoes and add them. Cook 5-10 min. Add cilantro and remove from heat. Purée in food processor. Add yogourt or sour cream. Serve with corn scones.
Corn scones
1/2 cup melted butter
1 cup milk
4 tbsp sucanat or brown sugar
1 cup cornmeal
3 cups unbleached white flour
1 tsp salt
2 tsp baking powder
Preheat oven at 375 F. Combine melted butter and sucanat. Add milk. In another bowl, combine the dry ingredients. Add liquid ingredients. On a floured board, press the dough into 2 - 8-inch circle about 1/2 inch thick. Slice each circle into eights. Separate the wedges and place them on a buttered baking sheet. Bake 15-20 min.
And roasted chestnuts for dessert!
Et des marrons grillés pour dessert!
Très sympa cette journée!
Je craque sur les bébés lapinous.
Et miam pour les chataignes!!!
Bises et bonne semaine
Hello Catherine,
There is always so much goodness going on at your house! That cow is beautiful! And what a huge goose! The sourdough bread looks great! Isn't farm life the best?!
love, sara
Okay I'm back! I forgot to mention the sweet baby rabbits....how fun! We didn't have any rabbit babies this year, and our papa rabbit died the other day. What kind of sheep do you have? How many do you have now? I love sheep!
Yes, Sara, farm life truly is the best, but it's not without challenges as you know! We found the baby rabbits dead last night... Looks like the mom (first time) didn't do a great job at keeping their warm, despite all the efforts she put into building an amazing nest for them... It was quite sad... And our new cow's milk is so thin, it's blue! And I can't even make butter with her cream... A bit disapoointing!
Marmotine, les lapinous sont morts... Triste histoire... Il semble que la maman n'est pas fait un très bon travail. Malgré le beau nid qu'elle avait préparé, elle ne les a pas tenu au chaud suffisamment... Nous sommes bien tristes...
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