Aujourd'hui, c'est le premier dimanche de l'Avent... J'adore la période de l'Avent. C'est un beau moment pour préparer notre coeur à Noël et l'accent est moins mis sur le jour de Noël. Ça rend tout le mois intéressant.
The first Sunday of Advent means...
Making the Advent wreath with Papa and lighting the first candle.
Le premier dimanche de l'Avent, c'est...
Faire la couronne de l'Avent avec Papa et allumer la première bougie.
Telling the blue angel's story by Pierre Lienhard (sorry French only)
Raconter l'histoire de l'ange bleu de Pierre Lienhard
Preparing Marie's star path and lighting the first candle on her path
Préparer le chemin de Marie et allumer la première bougie sur son chemin
Changing our nature table and bidding Adieu to King Autumn and welcoming King Winter.
Changer notre table des saisons et dire Adieu au Roi Automne et accueillir le Roi Hiver.
Putting on my Advent storytelling apron and telling a different story from The light in the lantern every week.
Mettre mon tablier d'histoire de l'Avent et raconter une histoire différente chaque semaine de La lumière dans la lanterne.
Going to bed with our star candle holder and a beeswax candle, in the dark, singing a beautiful Advent song.
Aller au lit avec notre chandelier en étoile et une chandelle en cire d'abeille, dans le noir, en chantant une belle chanson de l'Avent.
Happy Advent!
Joyeuse célébration de l'Avent!
There's so much goodness in your home! Oh how I would love to come for a visit!! The star path is lovely and all of your felted treasures! I used to set up pretty nature tables.....your work makes me want to start again!!
I hope you had a nice weekend!
love Sara
SO beautiful. Your home is so lovely and your advent sounds magical! xoxo Kathy
that is such a beautiful thing you do for your family. i am inspired and softened by your pictures...thank you!
Thanks for your encouraged me to check out your blog. And oh what a lovely tradition you share with your family! I am quite intrigued and inspired.
Nici, I am glad you came to visit. When I sent my comment, I wondered how it would come accross and I sure was hoping it didn't sound like I was a know-it-all! I am so not!! I am just a mom struggling to build a beautiful relationship with my girls. If you'd like to ear more about the view I shared with you, come over to the Waldorfathome forum( It is full of wonderful moms struggling with the same issues and working with Steiner's philosophy. Quite inspiring!
Take care and enjoy all that baby magic!
What beautiful photos!!! Your home looks warm and lovely! I am thrilled to have found your blog, cant wait to do some more browsing!
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