Après plus d'un an et demi de vie quotidienne partagée avec ma grand-mère, elle est déménagée aujourd'hui. Le foyer qu'elle a choisi est très chaleureux et je sais qu'elle y sera heureuse (en plus, ils servent des hot dogs et des frites toutes les deux semaines et des patates pilées avec tous les repas!!). Et c'est seulement à 20 minutes de chez nous et il y a une piscine chauffée qui n'est à peu près pas utilisée par les résidents. Je pense qu'on ira souvent la voir (mais pas les journées de hot dogs...).
It has been a wonderful experience for all of us. We close the book with a smile on our face, our mind full of unforgettable memories.
Ce fut une expérience incroyable pour nous tous. Nous refermons le livre avec un sourire au visage, l'esprit rempli de souvenirs inoubliables.
:: Mathilde didn't want to let Mémé go this morning ::
:: Mathilde ne voulait pas laisser partir Mémé ce matin ::
A bittersweet moment. I think it is wonderful that your family (all of you!) had the chance to experience this kind of multigenerational family life...you know better than anyone how enriching it can be and, sadly, I don't think many people have the opportunity to experience this. Best wishes to Meme...and to you five as well, as you all turn the page and begin a new chapter.
Belle Catherine et belle famille de Catherine, vous ne regretterez jamais ces si précieux moments. De tout coeur avec vous.
What a beautiful blog you have and I love that it is bilingual! I took Frend in highschool and a few classes after college and am very rusty, but will enjoy trying to read in French and then check it in English!
I have to say that it is so beautiful that you shared such a precious part of yourselves with your Meme. That is a gift that you not only gave to her but to your little ones, as well. After losing my Gran (Babci) in Nov at almost 92, I cling to the wonderful memories I have of our times together. It is good she is still so close because I am sure you all will be missing each other...(((hugs)))
oh she looks happy there. is she? my grandmother was very insistent on being on her own, well, not living with any other family member, up until the end of her life. meme looks like she might be similar....and the room transformation is perfect. i am inspired to create a space like that just for art, and dance!
She seems pretty happy there so far. She has lots of visitors and she feels secure.
Jen, yes the memories that this time of our life creates are priceless... Your are lucky to have them too!
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