Inspired by the spring seed paper tutorial from Rhythm of the home, my homeschooling friend guided us through a paper making session that the children enjoyed a lot!
Inspirée par le spring seed paper tutorial de Rhythm of the home, ma copine d'école à la maison nous a guidés dans une séance de confection de papier qui a beaucoup plu aux enfants!
Now we only need to write a love letter to Mother Earth and to plant our paper to see our seeds grow!
Maintenant, il ne nous reste qu'à écrire une lettre d'amour à Mère Terre et à planter notre papier pour voir nos graines pousser!
And this morning, we went violet picking in the forest behind our house.
Et ce matin, nous sommes allés cueillir des violettes dans la forêt derrière chez nous.
I had my first taste of young coconut meat and water. Oh My! It is sooo good! I am kefirizing some of the water right now (with water kefir grains). It's supposed to be so healing for your gut...
I know, this is miles away from my new year resolution to eat only local food (that young coconut comes from Thailand...), but right now, I am on a health mission and this is my top priority (and I make up for it with plenty of other ingredients).
J'ai goûté de la chair et de l'eau de jeune noix de coco pour la première fois. Wow! C'est vraiment bon! Je suis en train de kéfiriser de l'eau de coco à l'heure actuelle. Il semble que c'est super bon pour le système digestif.
Je sais, c'est à des kilomètres de ma résolution de la nouvelle année de ne manger que des aliments locaux (cette jeune noix de coco vient de Thaïlande... aoutch!), mais pour l'instant, je suis en mission santé pour régler mes migraines, et c'est ma plus grande priorité (et je compense avec plein d'autres ingrédients locaux).
Avocado fries (for greasy food cravings. The girls didn't need another reason to eat avocadoes, but they loved those nonetheless)
Avocado Fries
from Peggy and Curtis' Blog: Raw Inspiration
Here is a simple and satisfying treat for when the fried food craving hits!
Slice up some avocado into 1/4-1/2 inch strips.
Tip: After slicing the avo in half score the flesh while it is still in the rind and then scoop out the meat and it will already be in strips.
Roll the avocado in a flax breading that is made up of:
1/2 cup ground flax seeds
1-2 tsp. garlic minced or powder
1 tsp. salt
1 tsp. oregano
1 Tbs. nutritional yeast
After breading the avocado slices you can dehydrate them for about an hour. This warms them up as well as allows some of the oils of the avocado to soak into the breading. You could just eat them right away too.
Cream of Zucchini Soup
From Jennifer Cornbleet’s 'Raw Food Made Easy for 1 or 2 People'
Serves 2
½ cup water
1 zucchini, chopped (about 1 cup)
1 stalk celery, chopped
1 tablespoon lemon juice
1 teaspoon mellow white miso
½ teaspoon crushed garlic (1 clove)
¼ teaspoon sea salt
dash cayenne pepper
1 tablespoon olive oil
½ avocado, chopped
1 tablespoon fresh minced dill, or 1 tsp dried
Place all of the ingredients except the olive oil, avocado and dill in a blender. Blend until smooth.
Add the olive oil and avocado and blend until smooth. Add the dill and blend briefly just to mix.
Serve immediately. I loved it!
My friend raw cake was amazing (It was our Mayday cake)! It's not as gorgeous looking as the one Carmella made, but delicious nonetheless! But be careful with the serving size, it's pretty heavy (it's still sitting on my stomach actually...).
Mon premier gâteau cru était délicieux (c'était notre gâteau pour la fête de mai). Il ne paye pas de mine et n'est pas aussi joli que celui de Carmella, mais quand même succulent! Faites attention avec les portions, c'est plutôt lourd (je l'ai d'ailleurs encore sur l'estomac...).
Raspberry Chocolate Rhapsody Cake
from Carmella
Chocolate Brownie Layer:
2 cups walnuts
2 cups pecans
1 cup pitted dates
1/3 cup cacao
1/3 cup carob
2 tsp vanilla extract
1 1/2 Tbs water
Place walnuts and pecans in a food processor and process until ground.
Add dates, cacao, carob and vanilla extract. Process until well mixed.
Add the water and process briefly.
White Chocolate-Raspberry Layer:
(Adapted from Vanessa Sherwood's wonderful White Chocolate-strawberry Cheesecake)
1 cup frozen raspberries, thawed
1/2 cup cashews and/or macadamia nuts
3 Tbs melted coconut butter
1 Tbs melted cacao butter
2 Tbs honey or agave
1 tsp lemon juice
Pinch of salt
Blend in Vita-mix or high speed blender until smooth.
Coconut Vanilla Creme Topping:
1 cup young coconut meat
1/4 cup coconut or regular water
1/2 cup cashews, soaked
2 Tbs coconut butter, melted
1 Tbs honey or agave
2 tsp vanilla extract
Pinch of salt
Blend in Vita-mix or high speed blender until smooth. Put it fridge or freezer to thicken up.
In a springform pan or large plastic margarine tub lined with saran wrap, layer 1/2 of the chocolate mixture, followed by 1/2 of the raspberry mixture.
Put in freezer to set. Then repeat.
Again, let set in the freezer.
When the last raspberry layer has firmed up, gently transfer the cake onto a serving plate.
Cover with the Coconut Vanilla Cream topping.
If desired, decorate with chocolate sauce (just mix 1 part melted coconut oil with 1 part agave or maple syrup and 1 part cacao powder) and/or fresh raspberries.
Close your eyes and savor how scrumptious raw desserts can be!
We also made an avocado mango salad and everybody LOVED it (I forgot to take a picture...). It was about 5 mangoes, 3 avocadoes, 1 lime juiced, some fresh cilantro, sea salt and raw sesame seeds.
J'ai aussi fait une salade de mangues et d'avocats et tout le monde à ADORÉ (j'ai oublié de prendre une photo). J'y ai mis environ 5 mangues, 3 avocats, le jus d'une lime, un peu de coriandre fraîche, du sel de mer et des graines de sésame crues.
What amazing creating, all of it!!
I am inspired by the work in and outside of your home!
Oh my - the paper and seeds, those violets, and all that GORGEOUS food! You have me inspired Catherine! Those avocado chips look so yummy, and I'm interested a lot in Kefir right now so may just have to look into the coconut and water mixture you've got here. HOw are you feeling with all of this food - is it a mostly raw diet that you're on right now? Sending you lots of love xxx
YUM! I LOVE the look of the layer cake - I think we might have to make that this Sunday for Mothers Day! :) Or I might have to request Daddy and Chilli make it for this Sunday for Mothers Day! :)
I laughed when I sat down just now and saw your blog post title - 'paper making', we have just finished paper making today ourselves! How co-incidental! We are making paper for our LETS trade day coming up. I wanted to include some seeds as I had heard you could do that - but wasn't sure how? We will have to get some seeds tomorrow and do these little seed squares - they will be a huge hit at the trade day! :) Thank you.
I am most appreciative of the avocado fries recipe - they will be LOVED around here! I just had an apple maple crisp with some viili for afternoon tea! Very nice indeed! :) Our water kefir hasn't been too successful, but we think it could be our water, so have bought some spring water to try - I know water kefir is REALLY fussy on the water used. Once we have it happening - we are keen to try some of the variations such as the coconut kefir. For the moment we are having great success with the viili (piima) and the milk kefir. Love to all xxx
Melissa, so far, I feel a lot more energy, I am less hungry, I lost 5 pounds and my skin looks great. I still have migraines though... I know I am reacting to cocoa (I have one this morning from the cake) and maybe other food. It is pretty hard to stick to a 100 % raw diet, but this is what I am aiming for right now for two months to really have a good idea of how my body is reacting. Melissa, did you receive the package with Dr Forbes books and the rest?
Elke, how funny about the paper making! The apple crisp looks yummy! I didn't visit the yummy raw kitchen blog before I saw it on your meal plan. That's another good source of recipes! We love viili here! In the Yukon, we had really hard water and the water kefir was thriving. Have you tried feeding it white sugar for a couple of batches? That should do the trick!
ça a l'air délicieux ! Mais là encore, je ne vois aucune recette traduite en français : est-ce que c'est normal ?
(aujourd'hui, je suis en journée 100 % crue aussi...)
Le papier de graine a l'air super, et le site cité une mine d'or...
Salut Carine, oui, c'est normal, je ne peux pas tout traduire ou je ne réussirais pas à aller dormir le soir!
Carine, j'ai perdu le lien vers ton blogue. Peux-tu me le redonner s.v.p.?
A moi aussi on m'a toujours dit de 'décrudir' les légumineuses germées (1 à 3 minutes à vapeur douce) et cela me convient mieux que complètement cru. On perd les enzymes mais on a toujours un meilleurs profil nutritionnel que non germé
oui, je comprends !!!!!
Je me suis justement lancée à innover dans des recettes crues cette semaine...
i am on a health mission too, that involves a lot of flax oil. where does that come from i wonder. i didn't even think about it??
Hi Catherine - I just noticed your comment on here. I haven't yet received the package you sent off - I've been eagerly waiting! :) Hopefuly not long now. I can't remember the date that you sent it off - has it been 6-8wks yet already?
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