Everything was crossed off the list...
Tout a été rayé de la liste...
The van was packed (and I mean PACKED!)
La mini-fourgonnette était pleine (et quand je dis pleine, c'est pleine!)
My mom had sewn beautiful travel bags for the girls.
Ma mère a confectionné de superbes sacs de voyage pour les filles.
We went to a raw food festival à Ottawa.
Nous sommes allés à un festival d'alimentation vivante à Ottawa.
We went to the Byward Market with our friends.
Nous sommes allés au Marché By avec nos amis.
And ate some great blueberries.
Et avons savouré de délicieux bleuets.
We camped at the Samuel de Champlain provincial park in Mattawa and celebrated the solstice with a campfire. The solstice fairies found the fairie garden the girls made and left them a beautiful gift.
Nous avons campé au parc provincial Samuel de Champlain à Mattawa et nous y avons célébré le solstice avec un feu de camp. Les fées du solstice ont trouvé le jardin que les filles avaient fait pour elles et leur ont laissé un joli cadeau.
Where there was no mosquitoes, almost no other campers and lake water was about 85 F... but Mathilde's legs were covered with baby leeches after our swim.... Yikes!
Oú il n'y avait pas de moustiques, presque personne d'autres sur les superbes terrains de camping et l'eau du lac était à près de 85 F... mais Mathilde avait les jambes couvertes de bébés sangsues après notre baignade... Beurk!
One of our numerous stops in a rest area...
Un de nos nombreux arrêts dans une halte routière...
The sun setting on the lake where looms sang almost all night.
Le soleil se couche sur le lac oú des huards ont chanté presque toute la nuit.
What a beautiful start to your adventure! I'm a bit jealous about the raw food festival in Ottawa. I didn't think there was any of those in Canada... I suspect there are none around where I live :( That would be so fun to go to!
Hope your all having fun :)
That is a long list! Happy summer solstice to you Catherine, I hope your season is filled with beautiful adventure!
et vous les avez enlevées comment, ces charmantes bestioles des jambes de mamzelle?!
So much fun! Hope it continues, especially the no mosquitoes part - they ruin everything!
Happy trails...
Stephanie, I was surprised to find out about this festival too! It was great!
Renee, that was only one page of the list...!
Phil, il m'a fallu frotter fort avec une serviette... Pas trop de dégâts, heureusement!
And yes, camping with mosquitoes is a totally different experience!
Oh, ça donne envie !
Et il y a toujours une magnifique lumière sur tes photos, Catherine...
I am so excited to peak in on your travels. it all sounds marvelous- except the leeches! Happy Summer!!
Thankyou for sharing your beautiful journey with us! I've been eating more raw food and am getting very interested in all the health benefits too. That raw food festival and those blueberries have me craving summer! (Is that Mathilde with the blueberries? She looks VERY pleased with her stash, hehe.)Happy traveling! xxx
Carine, on peut faire des miracles avec Photoshop... même quand c'est nuageux dehors...!
Melissa, I am so glad that you are finding the raw food helpful and interesting. I am more and more convinced that this is the most healing food for us. The specie specific diet makes so much sense to me. And my body is thanking me! Read Dr. Graham 80/10/10 diet, it is very well explained and so convincing!
Renee, happy solstice to you too. Have a wonderful summer!
Penny, the mosquitoes caught up on us. It's hell right now!
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