Tuesday, November 27, 2012

The difference between ascending a mountain and probing a canyon...

After driving through Monument Valley (that we did not find that impressive), we headed to Page, AZ, the city of the overly famous Antelope Canyon. Since the canyon is located on the Navajo Tribal Park, you have to be accompanied by a guide. It is supposed to be one of the most beautiful canyon, but it is also very short. After looking at the prices (we were looking at over $130 for all of us for an hour and a half tour!), the decision was easy to make. We had seen amazing canyons for free in the last couple of months and could not stomach that price. JF did some Googling and found a great neighboring canyon that we could partly probe unaccompanied for a mere $10 for the permit. The navajo sandstone is different from the other types of sandstone we had seen so far and contrary to Antelope canyon, who sees over 100 visitors a day in high season, we were totally alone in Water Holes Canyon.
:: Monument Valley, AZ ::
:: Horseshoe Bend, near Page, AZ ::
:: Entering Water Holes Canyon, near Page, AZ::
:: Going down into Water Holes Canyon, near Page, AZ ::
Kathy and Craig Copeland (Utah Canyon country) say that "the difference between ascending a mountain and probing a canyon is the difference between the ego and the id. Attaining a summit is celebratory. "Wahoo!" you say, "We made it!" Standing in the recesses of a canyon is meditative. "Whoa" you whisper, "This is cool." The experience mirors the topography, of course. Mountains are the earth's extroverts. Canyons are their opposite, the introverts. (...) Mountains talk, canyons listen.



I. said...

le grain de la roche, wow.

joanna said...

j'adore la photo de mara qui monte à l'échelle et on voit le canyon si magnifique et la texture!!! waw!
vous avez bien fait de pas payer ce montant exorbitant. et ca montre aussi aux filles qu'on peut être créatif pr sauver de l'argent tout en faisant des trucs géniaux.
comme disait mon grand -père: j,ai pas un âne qui chie des sous!


Marianne said...

C'est magnifique ce canyon... et c'est vrai qu'on sent pratiquement l'eau qui coule, avec la forme des rochers. Je viens de rattraper ma lecture depuis l'aventure de la rivière... ;) Tes photos sont magnifiques. Et tu m'as encore rappelé des souvenirs parce que mes parents avaient eux aussi conduit jusqu'à four-corners, on était arrivé très tard et la clôture était fermée. On avait pris une photo devant la clôture, dans le noir, avant d'aller trouver un camping.