Mr. Sun and Mrs. Mud looked after the girls while I knitted and snoozed in the lawn chair this afternoon. Seriously, it felt like I had a babysitter! The sun hasn't shown its face much this winter and I have a bit of a cabin fever going on. I cannot help but wonder how different life would be on an island or in a land where the sun shines all year long... It seems like it would make my parenting job much easier... What do you think?
M. Soleil et Mme Boue se sont occupés des filles pendant que je tricotais et que je roupillais dans ma chaise de parterre cet après-midi. Sans blague, c'est comme si j'avais eu une gardienne pour les enfants! Le soleil ne s'est pas souvent montré le bout du nez cet hiver et je me sens un peu encabanée ces temps-ci. Je ne peux faire autrement que de me demander comment serait la vie sur une île ou dans un pays où le soleil brille à l'année... Il me semble que ça faciliterait mon travail de maman... Qu'en pensez-vous?
And if you are into real food, here are some great links for you :
Et si l'alimentation saine vous intéresse, voici des liens très intéressants pour vous :
The Real food Challenge and tons of links
Le real food challenge et une panoplie de liens
I love this: How to make brown sugar (from organic evaporated cane juice sugar and blackstrap molasses) for those recipes where Sucanat just doesn't quite cut it. I got rid of white sugar (in shortbread or tiramisu recipe for instance, where organic cane sugar doesn't work) by simply grinding the evapoated cane juice sugar in a coffee grinder).
I will try those sourdough pancakes this weekend.
Homemade Armenian flatbread (lavash)
Wholewheat pita bread (the real pocket ones!)
Menu plan inspiration
time for mud play will be here soon too. the girls are already making plans of all that they will make.
thanks for the real food links!
i can tell u how is it living in a country where the sun shines, not always but a lot! It's great! but u get cabin fever anyway, 3 straight days of cloud and u freak out!!.....especially now and here, I'm at 14 km from Marocco and it's raining and cold and I can't believe that!
J'ai vécu dans un endroit où il ne fait jamais froid , lorsqu'il y avait moins de 10 degré c'était la catastrophe je sortais bonnets écharpes gants !
Aujourd'hui ici lorsqu'il y a 10 degrés je me dis waouoooooooooh qu'il fait doux !
je me baignais avec les petits d'Avril à Octobre
Mais les "VRAIES SAISONS " me manquaient alors que je ne les avaient jamais réellement connues ..
oooh je ne comprends rien à l'anglais tous tes liens sont dans la langue de shakespeare
It sounds like you have two great baby sitters. Maybe a little farie dust as well.
Thanks for the interesting real food links, Catherine...I just spent way too much time exploring them, but got lots of good ideas.
(Love the photo of you knitting in a lawnchair in the mud and snow)
thank you so much fro all the links Catherine. They look great! :) xxx And if you want all year sun, you may have to come live down under in Oz! :) But we still have our fair share of days where the baby clouds hide Father Sun... but most day's he's smiling at us! :)
I so love that the sun is feeling warm again. I have jut begun to sit outside while the boys play, and it is a real treat. sounds like a fun afternoon for you
Just to let you know that I am loving all the comments and enjoying each and every one of them! Elke, I might have to move to Oz one day...
Merci de tous vos commentaires. J'apprécie chacun d'eux! Tu as bien raison vv bleue, le corps s'habitue à la température où qu'on soit!
Valeria, what are you doing near Morocco?
Hi from sunny New Zealand, we are in the later stages of summer and soon it will be Autumn, do you have long to wait for spring. cheers Marie
In some ways it makes it easier, but my kids REALLY want to play in snow. And we can't be outside all the time, or else they would get sunburned. They have fair skin. Come say hi! (I grew up with cold snowy winters, kinda miss them sometimes... :)
I feel just the same about the weather. Come to think of it, that's exactly why I moved to the Mediterranean I THOUGHT it'd be sunny all year round:(. I don't think evaporated cane juice sugar is available around here, but I'll look into it, as brown sugar is quite pricey, though I buy it fair trade and so I support a good cause.
I'm researching, as usual, in Tarifa (south Spain, on the Gibraltar strait). There are a nice pod of Pilot whales around here and while I'm struggling trying to decide what to do with my life I decided to come here and enjoy my favourite animals...even if I'll end up doing journalism I still have a particularspot for my Pilot^^
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