Thanks to Manon's great initiative, we had a beautiful Easter table. The children made woolen caterpillars that magically turned into butterflies during the night!
Grâce à la belle initiative de Manon, nous avions une belle table de Pâques. Les enfants ont fait des chenilles de laine qui se sont transformées par magie en papillons pendant la nuit!
Egg hunt (bright and early!)! La chasse aux œufs (très tôt!)!
:: Another very cute craft with Manon : washcloth bunnie!/Un autre projet d'artisanat avec Manon : des lapins en débarbouillettes! ::
:: And a Easter haircut for all!/Et une coupe de cheveux pascale pour tous! ::
I have loved your photos from Costa Rica...when are you heading back to Canada? Or are you? What are your plans for homeschooing?
Happy happy happy and wonderful birthdays to the twins, who seem so grown up!
Thanks Carrie! We are heading back in 8 days! We will be home 2 months and off to more adventures (this time it will be a road-trip around Canada and USA for a year). We are happily unschooling with a Waldorf touch, of course! And it is fantastic to witness my girls' learning evolve quite beautifully and naturally.
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