Monday: We explored body temperature and talked about the different sources of heat. We did the experiment of the water bowls: Take 3 containers big enough to fit a hand. In one, put hot water, in one ice cold water and the last one, tepid water. Stand with one hand in the hot and cold bowls for about a minute, then move the hot hand to the tepid water... how does it feel? Now, try the cold hand in the tepid water. Then, we drew a parralel to outdoor temperature. In the Spring, 15 degree Celcius feels warm after a long winter... but in the fall, it feels pretty chilly! We also tried some of these experiments (the girls loved the steel wool and battery one!) and draw this in our Main Lesson Book (MLB):
Tuesday: We talked about the effects of heat on solids liquid and gases. We melted an ice cube in a saucepan until it became liquid and then gas (and until it had completely evaporated). We talked about the condensation process (the droplets that had formed on the saucepan). We draw this in our MLB:
Wednesday: We talked about the transmission of heat. We talked about radiation (heat from a light bulb, sun in a window), conduction (pan on the stove and the experiment below) and convection (hot water rising to the top in a cold fish tank). We also talked about microwave heat and how it worked. Then we did this experiment: