Merci la vie pour ce cadeau incroyable et pour cette chance inouïe que j'ai de pouvoir être avec elles à la maison tous les jours!
Cette photo a été prise dimanche, c'est fou comme la neige a fondu depuis 3 jours...
Je relisais un autre bouquin que j'aime beaucoup hier soir et j'ai eu envie de partager quelques extraits avec vous. Il s'agit de Mitten Strings for God de Katrina Kenison (un livre qui malgré son titre n'a rien de religieux).
Dans un court chapitre intitulé Play, elle dit :
So much of the structure that we impose on our children's lives is really intended to make our own lives easier. We don't want to give up our freedom, and so we fail to grant our children theirs. As every mother knows, it's easier to sign up for sports camp than to carve out a week to allow your children to follow their own inclinations at home. But children need time that is utterly their own - time to take up residence in their own lives, time to dream through an afternoon, time to play with kids next door, time to wake up to their own pleasures. Above all, they need some time when we adults aren't calling the shots.
Perharps we adults have lost the fine art of lollygagging, but at least most of us mastered it as children. We knew what it was to be bored and to find something on our own to do; we knew what loneliness felt like; and we discoverd that there was value in being alone sometimes. Left to our own amusements, we found resources that we didn't know we had. We learned, as Wordsworth wrote, to see through « that inward eye that is the bliss of solitude ». These were valuable lessons - and I fear that our own busy, well-entertained children may not ever have the chance to learn them. Inventiveness and self-reliance are being scheduled right out of them.
Et en regardant mes filles jouer dans la boue ces derniers jours, sans autres plans devant elles qu'un bon bain chaud bien mérité, je sentais monter en moi une fois de plus la certitude que nous faisions les bons choix pour elles, pour nous.
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